For Ted L., a retired video editor and sound technician, late-in-life vision loss kept him from enjoying his favorite hobbies and getting around independently. Although he’d been experiencing symptoms of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) for years, “it seemed to be pretty stable for a while. Nothing had really changed too drastically in my life,” he says. As time went on, however, his vision began to deteriorate more significantly. “I had to stop driving- I couldn’t handle it, it was too dangerous,” Ted explains. “And now I’m at the point where TV is hard to watch. I can’t ride my bike anymore. Even signing my name is difficult.”
What Ted has missed the most, however, is reading. After bioptic glasses stopped working for him, Ted’s low vision doctor referred him to CVI, where he immediately signed up for our smartphone class. Learning to use the phone’s accessibility features has made it possible for him to read the news, web pages, and books once again. “Now that I’m retired,” he notes, “I have a lot more time to read books.” His next priority is getting better acquainted with rideshare apps. Since his vision loss advanced, Ted has depended on his wife to drive him where he needs to go. “I can tell that it’s impacted her also,” he says.
Does Ted’s story sound familiar? If you are struggling with similar challenges, we want you to know that losing your sight doesn’t have to mean losing your independence or your favorite activities. With our menu of services, people with vision loss can choose the classes that meet their individual goals and needs. Our priority is convenience and ease; you can set your own timeframe and go at your own pace. “The schedule is based on what works for us, for me and my wife,” Ted says. “Everything is really easy.”
If you or a loved one is experiencing vision loss and need assistance, we can help! To find out more about our menu of services, click here or give us a call at 404-602-4347. We recognize everyone’s financial situation is different and we offer support through the financial assistance fund, fueled by generous donors.