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Give a Gift of Stock

Give a Gift of Stock

Protect your investment gains with a gift of long-term appreciated securities, and you will generate a triple tax benefit.

  • You receive a charitable income tax deduction for the full fair market value of the securities up to 30% of your adjusted gross income,
  • You avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation, and
  • The asset is from your estate for estate tax purposes.

You can transfer your charitable gift of stock directly to CVI’s Schwab account. When received, CVI immediately sells contributed securities and the resulting funds are directed to support CVI programs as you intend.

Here is all the information you need to make a gift of stock:

Schwab account holders please use this form:


If you have an account with another broker or firm, please ask for a charitable transfer form to be submitted to CVI’s Schwab account.

Official Account Name: Center for the Visually Impaired Foundation

Tax ID:                                              58-1844142

Receiving Brokerage Firm:           Charles Schwab & Co.

CVIF Account Number:                 2609-0036

Direct Transfer Code (DTC):         0164