CVI is here to help you and your family members who may be struggling with vision problems due to aging. While we continue to serve clients in midtown at our Florence Maxwell Low Vision Clinic, we are taking our services to senior living communities to ensure these individuals can get the help they may need for their vision loss. CVI is offering group presentations for senior living residents and community staff members.
Accepting and adjusting to vision loss can cause mental, physical, and emotional challenges. The CDC reports that older adults with vision impairment have a higher risk of falls and injuries, social isolation, and medication errors. Seniors diagnosed with age-related eye diseases can benefit from our presentations or if loved ones notice a family member is having difficulty seeing faces, reading, signing their name, or using a computer.
Jessica Poggi, CVI outreach relationship manager, is working closely with communities throughout the metro area to provide education and support for seniors. One of our outreach goals is to provide hope for anyone struggling with low vision.
We offer interactive sessions with residents on topics such as Living with Low Vision, Fall Prevention, Kitchen Safety, Organizing Your Space, and Making the Most of Your Smart Phone. We can also train the senior community staff so they can learn best practices to support their residents with low vision or blindness. This includes managing mobility challenges, making materials and signage more readable, making lighting modifications and more.
Seniors also receive information about the help that is available at CVI. They have the chance to test magnification tools and we offer a demonstration of our most popular items from the VisAbility store. When they are ready to take the next step with a visit to CVI, we can provide transportation subsidies and financial assistance for seniors for their needed low vision exams, follow-up, or other training in activities of daily living.
Jessica said, “I love how interactive the residents are during our presentations! They have great questions and are eager to learn how they can maintain their independence. We are so thankful to be a resource for seniors in our area and we educate seniors and their family members on how to make an appointment at our Low Vision Clinic or how to connect with a support group.”
The adult children who attend also seem to benefit from hearing about helpful techniques and devices found at the CVI VisAbility Store, Georgia’s only retail store dedicated to people with visual impairment.
We are passionate about educating everyone who serves seniors about our mission and tailored services. We are hosting lunch and learns with both gerontologists and eye practices. Jessica can also discuss hosting an onsite low-vision clinic at senior communities or eye practices that serve seniors. This option is a beneficial and convenient answer for seniors who face transportation challenges.
Recently, Jessica and other team members presented to seniors at Arbor Terrace Peachtree City and the community made a follow up visit to the VisAbility store. She will be a guest speaker at the upcoming Gwinnett Senior Provider Network meeting.
For more information or to schedule a presentation today, please email Jessica at Click here to learn more about CVI Services or call 404-875-9011.